Mixed Media Sculpture - January 25, 2024

Mixed Media Sculpture - January 25, 2024
Love rummaging through junk shops or saving trinkets to use one day? Join us in this class to create a sculpture. Learn to transform “found” objects into sculptures. All materials are furnished; however, feel free to bring your personal collectibles. Scraps of wood, discarded metal parts, kids' toys, paper, buttons, keys, doorknobs, plastic flowers, photographs, costume jewelry, kitchen utensils, or fabric…. you name it… you can use it. In this workshop, you will complete one or two sculptures as well as you will leave with a keener sense of awareness of the impact we have on other people’s lives. This class is always fun and extremely creative; you’ll meet new people and collaborate in many ways. (all materials furnished)
Artist Studio, Downtown Fort Worth, Texas (directly across the street from Artspace 111)
10:00 AM-12:30 PM